My life at the minute is most easily described as "a whirlwind" and this image depicted it well - with the craziness but also the brilliant and positive colors.

Here's a typical workday....and seems to be the case for the next 12 weeks (tax season)
Alarm goes off, I press snooze repeatedly and yearn for more sleep
I have a "oh crap" moment, especially if I have a 7am meeting (yes, they happen more and more often)
Check email for any emergencies (latest job is in an operations environment)
Shower, weight myself (it is January after all), get dressed, run around going "I'm late" over and over again
I've eaten something, kissed the hubby, checked email again, packing the bag with last minute items and am running out the door (of the fabulous home!)
I'm at work (yes a great commute!), checking voice mail, email, and trying to gather my thoughts and priorities for the day before the floodgates open
And the meetings are official going...
More meetings
Still more meetings
I grab 10 minutes somewhere in the time zone to microwave my Lean Cuisine meal (reminder it is January) and a Diet Pepsi and to have a pee. You would not believe how hard it seems to be to just take a 5 minute break between meetings to pee - you upset the person that runs the meeting - or you are running the meeting....
More meetings
The official meetings have stopped, but I get a lot of "drop by" visits and calls from others that are in the meeting madness like me. Many actions and decisions get taken at these drop by's
6:00pm I start my "work". I check emails, make decisions, create reports, communicate out, write reviews for employees, make plans for the team, etc...
I strive for earlier but it always seems later that I leave. I can't seem to leave until I feel like I have "achieved" something (see my strengths = achiever and focus). I leave mentally exhausted.
I walk in the door, change into sweats or pj's, kiss the husband, maybe eat something, and sit on the sofa for some zone-out tv.
I'm feeling antsy and can't "just watch tv" so get out the iPhone and fiddle - often Twitter or Facebook seem to be the best tool to randomly connect. Twitter has now creeped into being a work thing too, so doing that one....
Nodding head on sofa, wake up drooling, get up and march to bed. Asleep in 5 mins. Guess sleep comes easier than it did last year....