A very bad start to the week. Well, seeing as I actually worked all day on Sunday, this is really Day 2 of the week.
Balancing 2 jobs at the minute...searching for a replacement, documenting the various processes, and trying to get closure on aspects as I go through them.
And then trying to meet the early expectations for the new role....just change management for a whole organization with a communications plan, current state assessment and vision built in 3 months...what did I sign up for?
So today was a horrible day because I had to deal with 2 types of people that I just have not yet mastered partnering with yet (notice the positive "yet" phrase!)
1. Senior Leader "I'm always right and you are wrong" - do I stand up to them which ends up being confrontational, or do I nod my head and say "yes sir" and then work the best angle possible behind the scene?
2. Peer "Things are fine the way they are" - I'm definitely of the mindset to continually improve process as well as the phrase "if you aren't moving forward, you're moving backward, as the world passes you by". But not all are on this page and the hardest person to influence is the type that just likes the way things are. If they are not dissatisfied, then we'll never get anywhere.
So having to deal with the 2 types in 1 day was just not good. I also found out about another re-org over coffee, which just causes more unsettlement in me and others. Why? Who? What does this mean for me? type questions....
So another day passes....can only say "i survived" this one.
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