Wednesday, July 29, 2009

F!@K Bank of America

I HATE Bank of America!

I've always hated them....I stick with them because they offer online banking, bill pay, transfers, and lots of ATMS.

Oh, and my credit rating needs to shows 'consistency' and long term accounts.

But I F&@King HATE Bank of America!

The latest F@&K up is they screwed up my Wire Transfer for my house purchase - so guess what - the house process is on serious red flag alert!

I always defer to online options because I HATE going to talk to a live bank person - they never know anything - and are just monkeys.

But after talking to 2 chat agents (very obviously not from the USA - and very laughable to watch their scripts in trying to write and paraphrase English)

And talking with over 10 agents, over 2 days, transferred 5 times, hung up on 3 times, and given 4 different phone numbers to "call"....

I might just have to try out the monkey....

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wow! One of THE best emails I have seen from a senior leader zappos amazon Authentic comes to mind

Techno Viking - Get on your chair and start dancing!

This is just hilarious. Hubby said "I heard there is this buzz about Techno Viking - check it out on YouTube"
I watched this and was just super confused why the buzz....funny...but really just some random man dancing in the streets (love the music!!)

I wanted to continue the search and saw there some comedian (Henry Rollins) did a remix based on this - which was hilarious and made me want to watch both videos over and over again! **Beware the language if you are surfing at work**

Friday, July 24, 2009

Girlie Weekend - What a great change of energy

I was invited on a girlie weekend by a colleague. We've grown close over the past few months as both going through life experiences that have us asking some big questions.

I was a bit nervous - would i get sick of the person? Would we end up fighting? Would it be fun or stressful?

Well, I put on a 'new hat' and just said 'go with the flow' and did not worry if we were lost (yep), late (yep), or staying 30+ miles away from our appt (yep). I just laughed and talked and had fun....and talked....and talked.

I know I am a talker and that I deal with things by talking them out - but is was sooo wonderful to be matched with a similar person. We both used the cone of silence (so no details here I'm afraid) and much came out that we both know we needed to say and just had not.

The most memorable part of the weekend was standing underneath a shower of paper butterflies...the symbol for me of transformation.

From out of the sheltered cocoon do we yield a new journey as a beautiful butterfly

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Been trying to practice a breathing sequence to help me be 'the calm in a storm'.
The 4-2-4 sequence is:
  • breathe in though nose for 4 counts
  • hold breath for 2 counts
  • breathe out through nose for 4 counts
  • repeat
I like the breathing aspect of it - forces a regular rhythm in the body which forces you to pay attention to the rhythmic nature.
i have not yet had this apply to my mind. I'm able to count the breathing patterns out and think of the list of 'to-do's' at the same time and re-play conversations i had.
i might say this is a good ability to multi-tasks....but then as the point is to find calm it has not yet been successful.

see 1,2,3,4...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Google releases templates for documents - planning a vacation? write a newsletter? business card?

Friday, July 17, 2009

random thought - when is it too young to drink coffee? what about a coffee frappucino?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Getting Older is a State of Mind

I got one of those emails from a friend that just has funny pictures and phrases.
These just made me smile - resonated with my "feeling old" phase!

I laughed non-stop at the new Bruno film! It will offend everyone - know this if you go -

Friday, July 10, 2009

Twitter Over Capacity!

Oh No - my life is over! Twitter has sent me a message when i logged in that it is over capacity!!!

I am joking in case you think I'm serious!

But it is interesting to watch a cultural phenomenon have issues - how will they deal with it? what will the response be from twitters? they can't twitter on the subject - or at least read others posts about it....what will they do?
twitter message "over capacity"....uh-oh

Thursday, July 9, 2009

oooh just saw i made $0.25 on google ads in other blog in 3 days. what a big personal moment!
corporate politics can be really tiring. especially when you are in middle of it. you essentially have to do everything 3x - boss, one side, other side

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

just went to my first yoga session....very relaxing
I was humming this to myself for my current mood "i'm going slightly mad"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

just went to the gym with a friend for 30 minutes...feel so proud of myself!
good morning! I wonder how many people will be in the office today?