I was invited on a girlie weekend by a colleague. We've grown close over the past few months as both going through life experiences that have us asking some big questions.
I was a bit nervous - would i get sick of the person? Would we end up fighting? Would it be fun or stressful?
Well, I put on a 'new hat' and just said 'go with the flow' and did not worry if we were lost (yep), late (yep), or staying 30+ miles away from our appt (yep). I just laughed and talked and had fun....and talked....and talked.
I know I am a talker and that I deal with things by talking them out - but is was sooo wonderful to be matched with a similar person. We both used the cone of silence (so no details here I'm afraid) and much came out that we both know we needed to say and just had not.
The most memorable part of the weekend was standing underneath a shower of paper butterflies...the symbol for me of transformation.
From out of the sheltered cocoon do we yield a new journey as a beautiful butterfly

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