Springbok tataki - the best of the starters with intense and well balanced components of meat, goat cheese, and sun dried tomatoes
Quail & languistine fricasse - unable to taste the distinction of the langustine to the prawn due to the heavy balance of pairing to a quail. The quail was superb in it's preparation with a crispy skin and succulent breast.

Warm salad of prawns and sweetbreads - my first time on a new food so although the flavor of the sweetbread was lovely it was difficult to get over the texture and mind thinking of what this is. So I stuck to the prawn with the lovely flavors.
Fillet of chalmar beef - sold as an African beef that was simar to Kobe, I was excited at this dish. However this meat as well below par of a fillet let alone holding it to the standards of Kobe. The meat was medium rare but was still tough and stringy and not the buttery melting flavor expected.

Springbok and foie gras - overall enjoyable with an intense game flavor, pairing this with a fig was ideal. Foie gras execution was below the anticipation with the piece being sinewy and cold.

Quatro desert - sold as a apple tart this was actually 4 deserts, with tea gellee, chocolate encased with custard, and the best of the bunch at a raspberry sorbet. Yummy

Cheese plate - lovely to eatocal cheese with the cheddar and goat cheese. The european cheeses were preferred at the Brie and the Cremolat gorgonzola. Paired nicely with a peach chutney.

Summary: Great prices!! Dinner overall with wine was ~$150 for two which can't be beat for this quality. But it won't make it on the best meals of my life list.
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