So this might sound crazy to some of you, but to others it is completely sane. I need to have a plan to turn $1m into $100m. There, it's out! I read that San Francisco magazine article in full and it was crazy, there are more millionaires in the area than many other places in the world, so having $1m net worth is no longer a lot. Houses in the $5m range have higher demand now...in this "housing bubble" period...and more details on how the rich are spending their money.
Read the Article yourself (but be ready to weep): http://www.sanfranmag.com/story/seven-year-rich
It also made me realize something...I reached many of my life goals a few years ago and have been searching for new aspirational life goals since then. And just stating "I'm going to have $100m" is not really cutting it...by when...how...etc.. It does not have to have all the details but it does have to have something more so that I can visualize it and dream about it.
Reading the magazine gave me some possibilities into becoming the $100m-aire from the $1m-aire....Silicon Valley is the land of start-ups, bio-tech, web 2.0, VC's, entrepreneurs....a lot going for it. So I have some thoughts to help me think about my next life goals around these areas....but nothing set, just areas to explore...I promise to share more when I have clarity...promise.
So turning 30 could be the turning point for me to find "the new dream" ...definitely something to look forward to.
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