What's new in the life of a nearly 30 year old? I went to a Personal Finance lunch sponsored by our work's women network. We all sat around...and yep I as the youngest by a few years and the biggest topic in the room was retirement planning. What's enough? How do I invest?
I am quite finance savvy (or at least think I am) and also understand the world or mortality...or should I say the longevity of life from my life as an actuary (another time...another place).
The consultant shared pictures about the "old retirement" and "new retirement" model. The picture here is not the same...but good enough. Retirement is no longer stopping work at 65. Else you can never really save enough to live the same for the next 30 years. Yep, I'm expected to live in "retirement" for the same # years I've existed so far! Another "30 year phenomenon"....So I gotta think differently what retirement is and how it happens.
An ideal retirement....
- I'll live on a sunny island (like Hawaii!) with Dr N (Mr Bearded Lady)
- Own and run a business remotely when ever I want to work...and not have to work
- And can afford to spend money as I want
All at Age 30...so only 27 days to go!
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