Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas comes but once a year...but memories last forever
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Nice to get away for a vacation in the sun
Friday, November 20, 2009
Being recognized us important
A simple thank you. A nice dinner. A bunch of flowers. An email. A card.
I try and make the time to recognize those around me. Get lost from time to time - and need it to come to me as well.
In a peaceful mood... Maybe it's because I'm going on vacation!?
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pep talk
When I walk into a room, people light up and they smile
That is because of me. Who I am. What I do. For them and for the team.
I am really smart. I think fast and can digest complex situations on minutes. I can juggle 20 things at once and do them all kick ass!
I try and try no matter how hard it gets. I'm sitting here crying at what a failure I think I am - because o can't get a whole organization to just 'get it' and yet in my tears I am thinking of 5 new ways to try something to make it better.
I am amazing!
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Saturday, November 14, 2009
Why the mind can f@!k you up
and all I can think about is...
How tired I am
The work I have to do this weekend and behind in for a few days
And how to get a team that is disengaged to get back in the game and taking initiative again
Why oh why can't I just say f@!k it all and enjoy going on a zipline tour with the wild animals!
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Saturday, November 7, 2009
I'm so wasted!

yep. I'm drink as I am writing this. Just want to declare that.
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I just like to dress up and be silly so Halloween gives me an excuse.
As I am officially a workaholic I decorate my office. It's where I spend most of my time. My hubby came with me to decorate at 11pm at night after I finished working. I didn't want to but he was persistent and knew I would really enjoy it afterward.
Indeed I did. It caused a commotion with the talking man and blood stained sheet!!
Kid party had all the kids come to visit and take photos and then I dressed up on Friday.
I am not much of a fan of the costumes in Halloween stores anymore...why are 80% being a 'slutty' something?? Nurse. Cowgirl. Bumblebee.
all with low cut top and short skirt. Not quite what i am going to wear to meetings in the office.
So I was a chicken. I told chicken jokes all day. Every meeting started and ended with a joke. Seeing as I spend my life in meetings - that sure was alot of chicken jokes!!
Why did the turkey cross the road?
To prove he was not chicken
Why did the chicken skeleton not cross the road?
He didn't have enough guts
I think you get the point
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Friday, October 16, 2009
welcome to management

- you will have everyone dump on you about why things are broken
- you will find no-one wants to do anything to fix it
- but they will still moan about how bad it is and how great it was
Friday, October 9, 2009
Zappos - a business model to be proud of
So glad I saw it - everything and more that I expected!
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Saturday, October 3, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
What a day!
A bit of flying by the seat of our pants as well as thinking smart and iterating fast!!
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Sunday, September 27, 2009
My Health - it's important, but...
All honesty here - they offer a $ incentive to take the assessment - so that's why I take it. I have never done anything else with this information - because it's frankly not anything new about myself - and what can an online assessment really change in me? Now when it can virtually start taking stress and weight off me - that is a whole new aspect!
Well, at the end of the assessment it gave me my 'score' as well as showing the past few years. That was kind of interesting for me. I knew this year has taken a toll - new role, new place to live, etc...
But seeing the drop from year to year and the lowest yet was kind if interesting..hey it got me to write this, so respect goes to this survey.

What will I do next? Not sure...but awareness is one of the first major steps to change. So I'll have to noodle this and see what happens....
And if you know of a magic overnight weight loss survey - I'm interested!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
One day I'll be on a list
Guess as I am 31 I will never be making that list!

Source Image: Inc website
But also reading Fortune magazine and saw the Top 50 most powerful women.
This sounds like a great list to aspire to be on. The youngest woman was age 37.
I have a chance...but a slim one here

Source Image: Fortune Website
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Sunday, August 30, 2009
"Moving Day" - a life story
A weight lifted off my shoulders...

Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
I almost made a whole meeting without talking
I know it can get me into trouble - I tell myself to keep quiet.
But I guess I have a passion for doing the right thing (or maybe the need to be heard!)
So I got through 2 meetings today that tend to 'trigger' me (aka get me fired up) and made through both with only talking for a few minutes.
Great job and pat on the back for that!
I didn't manage to keep quiet for the whole meeting though....I guess 1 minute of trouble is better than 60! Hee-hee
I am glad it's Friday! I get to go home, close my door and be myself for a whole 2 days. Wonderful thought!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Too many Cooks in the kitchen....delivering a burnt cake
Well, instead let's say there are too many chefs in the kitchen.
They all want to bark orders and wear the big hat.
But none want to be the sous chef, to prep the vegetables, to saute the meat.
And I'm in the middle trying to do many of the roles left in the wings:
- The job of the hostess - greeting and making people feel welcome to the restaurant
- The job of the waiter - serving all the customers what they ordered
- Sous chef - rallying the other cooks who just want to cook a great meal
- Kitchen rat - scurrying around hiding from the various chef's cleavers
Shouldn’t we all just focus on creating a great meal?

Monday, August 17, 2009
Why can't life be Black & White?
But the older I get the amount of blur between these two becomes more and more. There is always a "if" and "in this situation" and the worse one..."depends"

aaarrgh! makes me feel very frustrated that life becomes much more complicated.
- Can you ever feel like you made the right decision?
- Can't every discussion just be debated back and forth forever?
- How can you ever truly make decisions that don't haunt you from the 'other' side of the decisions?
- How do you cherish and relish the life of a kaleidoscope of images and views and not get lost in the twisted chaotic nature?
Picture Source: Creative Glass Guild
Friday, August 14, 2009
Moved into my new home!
having my own 4 walls, my own door, my own little world that I can close out rest of the world and just enjoy the world I create.
it gives me a chance to breathe, relax, and be anything i want to be. sometimes that is blasting the techno music and dancing around naked. sometimes that is huddling in a corner under a blanket. sometimes that is doing little jobs around the house like painting, cleaning....but i love it.
have been living in an apartment for 6 months - other people's furniture - and just a couple of suitcases of my own stuff.
having the new home and all the memories arrive in boxes - the vacation in Kos, the zebra print that we bought on a whim, the pillow top mattress that you just melt in.....aaaah I just feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder of waiting for this.
So I'm savoring that moment....yummy!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
What a Week of Stress!
I had to ask myself the question this week....was I going to go crazy!?
- Closed my house purchase...all the final paperwork flurry
- Bank lost $000,000's in a **NEW** Online banking feature (obviously with glitches!)
- Work had 2 more organization changes with 2 more planned - so waiting it out as best as I can - but seeing it cause more chaos with people
- Managing the multitudes of opinions and 'feedback' on projects I am on with upcoming deadlines - whose do I follow when they are all key people in different ways?
All this resulted in a much higher level of stress than usual.
Then I found this picture showing the body's reactions to stress - I think this just made me stress out more!?
And I spend a lot of time self-analyzing, trying to understand the pieces and decisions and actions that make all this up to understand
- what can I do differently to not get as stressed?
- what amount of this is me, and what is out of my control?
- do I create this stress? how and why?
- will I ever be able to be the person that is 'the calm in the storm'?
And of course, asking myself these questions encourages or promotes the stress!! A Catch-22 indeed!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
F!@K Bank of America

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Techno Viking - Get on your chair and start dancing!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Girlie Weekend - What a great change of energy

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Been trying to practice a breathing sequence to help me be 'the calm in a storm'.
- breathe in though nose for 4 counts
- hold breath for 2 counts
- breathe out through nose for 4 counts
- repeat
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Getting Older is a State of Mind
These just made me smile - resonated with my "feeling old" phase!

Friday, July 10, 2009
Twitter Over Capacity!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Watching the Force of Nature from a Plane

Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Codependant Relationships
So I wanted to spend some time understanding what codependency means in a relationship...

Taken from "Codependant Relationships" - Psych Central Article
Co-dependency occurs when two people form a relationship with each other because neither feels that he or she can "stand alone." Neither person feels capable or self-reliant. It is as if two half parts are trying to make a whole. Both partners are seeking to become psychologically complete by binding the other partner to themselves. For example, a female partner may spend most of her attention and time assisting her lover in recovering from drug addiction. She feels a sense of purpose and may appear to be wonderfully self-sacrificing. However, she may also be avoiding her own unhappiness and personal issues -- like her fear of abandonment. Her partner may believe that he can't deal with his addiction without her. He vacillates between feeling grateful for her help and resentful for what he feels is her nagging and smothering behavior. Many co-dependent partners report feeling "let down," "taken advantage of," or "trapped" by their needy partner when they are really "trapped" by their own overwhelming neediness. The addicted partner is also using his complaints about the relationship to avoid dealing with his own neediness and addiction
In co-dependent relationships, "We need each other," which can be a healthy thing, often covers over "I need you to need me"; this can lead to "I will keep you needy because, if you ever get better, I am afraid that you will leave me." This kind of interaction is grounded in desperation and often spawns abusive and obsessive relationships grounded in neediness and control rather than love and respect.
How do we overcome co-dependency? This developmental pathway to independence and interdependence is always available to us and our loved ones. We can move from the symbiosis of "I can't live without you," to the counter-dependency of "I refuse to be co-dependent" with its baby -steps toward a separate self, to the more solid foundation of being centered in an independent self, and then to the maturity of interdependence. A first step is to recognize the problem and reach out for help. Once help is received, it is critical to stick with the process of recovery through the fears and protests of neediness from within as well as outside the self. In this process, a person needs support from others who can show them the way, challenge them when they are falling back into old ways, and cheer them on.

My thoughts after reading this....
- It's not always a bad thing - especially when it is not an abusive relationship or based on addiction (although can personality needs be 'addictive'?)
- If you use a relationship to avoid probing on yourself - it might be because you are not ready, not willing, or not aware
- When you become aware - you'll need to have some help and support to move towards independence and confidence if your own self-esteem
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A new Home!!
This is not how things need to get better
Saturday, June 13, 2009
ENTJ - The Leader - Myers Briggs

- ~5% of the total population
- ENTJ need to have goals for everything. They seek power and control. They want to have an impact. Because of their desire to take charge, they are often leaders.
- ENTJs see education as one of the major ways of getting ahead. They apply the mind-set of how that information affects their future.
- Without variety and action boredom sets in.
- Love needs to fit into the overall picture and may become subservient to their larger goals. The loved one preferably acting in a supportive, not competing, role. ENTJs tend to make rigorous demands of love...the other person must be willing to accept the ENTJ's directness and need for independence.
- ENTJ's take charge of the home. When an ENTJ is present, there will be little doubt as to who is in command. Because their work is so important to them, they can become increasingly absent, especially if male.
- When ENTJs are scorned by others, they may feel a passionate devastation and a strong sense of loss that is seldom shared with others.
- Inefficiency is especially rejected by ENTJ's, and repetition of error causes them to become impatient. For the ENTJ, there must always be a reason for doing anything, and people's feelings usually are not sufficient reason.
- When in charge of an organization, ENTJ's more than any other type desire (and generally have the ability) to visualize where the organization is going and seem able to communicate that vision to others.
- They are the natural organization builders, and they cannot not lead.
- They find themselves in command and sometimes are mystified as to how this happened.
- ENTJ's will usually rise to positions of responsibility and enjoy being executives. They are tireless in their devotion to their jobs and can easily block out other areas of life for the sake of work.
- They will be able to reduce inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and aimless confusion, being willing to dismiss employees who perpetuate such behaviors.
- At midlife the ENTJ's tendency to be somewhat unaware of the feelings of others, including those close, may be an area that could be given attention. But perhaps the most important midlife task of the ENTJ is to begin to allocate time and energy to pursuits which are not work-connected and to begin to develop a larger repertoire of play skills. Putting off vacations, travel, hobbies, and family should be avoided
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Giving Back and Contemplating Life

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Taking out the trash...and a return to normalcy

Friday, June 5, 2009
Can it really be 1 year later?


Thursday, June 4, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Places I've Been - TripAdvisor Travel Map
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
looking for 1 good day
I wonder how often those days occur? I suppose you notice it when you have not had one for a while.and soon you start to apply bigger meaning to the thought of just 1 day going by where things went right and you went to sleep with that smile.
Yesterday was one of those days for me - almost. Woke up and just felt "it" and just seemed to be propelled forward all day to the right place and right time.felt achievement and hope that the 1 good day was going to happen. Alas at the moment of sleep one of those couple things happen where I thought A and he thought B and it felt like the whole day got pulled into a vortex with only that last interaction remaining.
Unfair and cruel to all - making it 1 step harder to get to that 1 good day.
One day that 1 day will happen.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
what's in a dream?
-The Dream-
I returned to work after vacation to find there was a major event that day - the 50th anniversary of Disney and they had hired our campus and had David Beckham as the guest speaker.
There was auxio with invites and turned out no one turned up. I was the handler for Beckham as I knew who he was and wanted his autograph.
But when I met him he turned out to not be very nice and did not respond well to my chatty questions and comments about his life.
Well I ended up ignoring him and playing with some kids. I made them a cheese sarnie whe all hell broke loose with Beckham.
I called him sooily and that he probably did not manage his money very well especially as his football career would not last forever...
Somehow this earned GPA respect and he requested I give him finance advice bevaude I knew the US and UK markets through the CFA and Actuary qualifications I have.
And hence a career as a financial advisor to the famous and keep-rich clientele was born.
A new career? Feel free to call me Posh & Becks!
what's in a dream?
-The Dream-
I returned to work after vacation to find there was a major event that day - the 50th anniversary of Disney and they had hired our campus and had David Beckham as the guest speaker.
There was auxio with invites and turned out no one turned up. I was the handler for Beckham as I knew who he was and wanted his autograph.
But when I met him he turned out to not be very nice and did not respond well to my chatty questions and comments about his life.
Well I ended up ignoring him and playing with some kids. I made them a cheese sarnie whe all hell broke loose with Beckham.
I called him sooily and that he probably did not manage his money very well especially as his football career would not last forever...
Somehow this earned GPA respect and he requested I give him finance advice bevaude I knew the US and UK markets through the CFA and Actuary qualifications I have.
And hence a career as a financial advisor to the famous and keep-rich clientele was born.
A new career? Feel free to call me Posh & Becks!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
troubled times - troubled mind
Been going through one of those phases in life where you questio what its all about and what the goal really is...
Once you start asking its hard to stop and there are not really easy answers to this.
Yesterday I found a great book called "Quiet Minds" which are 1 minute short writings about enjoying the moment of Being and not the neverending Doing.
Found it clicked with me especially the 1st piece with the phrase...
"the thing about winning a rat race is that you are still a rat."
LOL on this one. Do you really want to be a rat? In a lab experiment?
Instead I think I shall be on a "dog walk" where I can wag my tail and meet people and get a nice stroke here and there...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Trying Something New
Can't say I've solved it - those big life questions just don't have easy answers.
But I have been pushing myself to try new things - things I might have balked at before.
So a friend asked if I wanted to go on a motorbike ride with him - and all I've ever heard is the dangers of riding - but know my friend will be gentel with me.
And off we went for a bike ride - was definitely scary and exciting - and worth doing - but not sure I'm a converted biker yet...but I do look good on a bike!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Believe it or Not - A Mouse was Living in My Car!

Friday, February 6, 2009
Light Relief for Cube Workers
And some days we just need to smile. So here is #17 in the series
Cubicle Cartoon #17:"Cubicle Induced Stress Got You Down?"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Housing Rates at 4%

Sunday, January 25, 2009
A week in San Diego

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Helpful Tips for Interviews
1. Interview Questions including example Behavioural Questions ( a more common technique used in interviews now)
2. Questions to ask in an interview (because thinking ahead is easier for me than on the spot!)
Good Luck anyone interviewing in this market - share some success stories to keep us all smiling!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Spooks are not always spooky

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Twitter or not to Twitter?

Saturday, January 10, 2009
A Wicked Tag Cloud!
Friday, January 9, 2009
A New Year...A New Beginning