Monday, February 16, 2009

Believe it or Not - A Mouse was Living in My Car!

Crazy but true! I was away last week and left my car in the garage. I came back and saw a pile of cat biscuits underneath the hood...banged the car hood and a pile of mouse droppings came out!

Of course, was then screaming like a girl (note: I am a girl) to get the hubby to help me out. No way did I want to come face to face with a mouse!

The project of getting the car out of the garage, searching the car, cleaning out the biscuits inside the car was done with no mouse materializing.

So what did I do? I drove the hubby's car to work!

I was searching for a photo to add to the post and scarily found that this has happened to someone else. Way too scary! The photo is courtesy of this blog entry too.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Light Relief for Cube Workers

I'm a cube worker. Lately I've been working at home more and so when I come back to the cube it feels a little more pronounced than usual. Found this funny Cubicle Life cartoon series a while back and makes me smile.

And some days we just need to smile. So here is #17 in the series

Cubicle Cartoon #17:"Cubicle Induced Stress Got You Down?"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Housing Rates at 4%

I heard on the news and then read this Reuters article that there is a push to include a stimulus package for homeowners that would creat a 4% mortgage rate for qualified lender.

As someone living in one of the most expensive places to live and in the process of moving for work (so having to both sell and buy) - I would LOVE something like this to help out.