Friday, June 26, 2009

Watching the Force of Nature from a Plane

Image Source: Reuters Blog

I was traveling back on a plane at night and we had diverted our route over North Dakota. I was sitting in my seat when I noticed a light flash - I thought it was the lights on the plane's wing, but it seemed to catch my eye, so turned to look an saw this amazing force of nature occur.
I should have been scared....but somehow in this plane there was no impact felt in noise or vibrations, so I felt "safe" and just watched in awe and wonder.

We were flying at the edge of a storm cloud, it was thick and fluffly like a marshmallow but blacker than the night sky that surrounded it. It extended from the wing of the plane (yes, that close!) to the eye's horizon in the distance.

I sat and watched and saw the cloud right at the wing light up with a huge bright white light, not yellow or tinted, but a clear brilliant white. And then as the light gathered intensity it erupted out with a bolt of lightning. This continued every 10 seconds or so ad I saw in awe for 10 minutes while the plane went past this storm.

It reminded me to respect and see the beauty of nature...and to be thankful I was not underneath that storm.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Listening to 'Slash Dot Dash' by Fat Boy Slim

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A moment to treasure. Music was an energizer for me and I thought I had lost it. But a day like today made me feel ALIVE and a moment of HAPPINESS.long live dance and trance music where the beat makes you want to get up and shake ya thing!
Basshunter... in case you are wondering the qual-e-t artiste
My trance music in my car can be heard across the parking lot...LOVE IT!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Codependant Relationships

I've heard the term "codependency" banded around alot in my relationship with my husband. It always sounds like a BAD word. And sometimes it is...but sometimes it is our strength.

So I wanted to spend some time understanding what codependency means in a relationship...

Taken from "Codependant Relationships" - Psych Central Article

Co-dependency occurs when two people form a relationship with each other because neither feels that he or she can "stand alone." Neither person feels capable or self-reliant. It is as if two half parts are trying to make a whole. Both partners are seeking to become psychologically complete by binding the other partner to themselves. For example, a female partner may spend most of her attention and time assisting her lover in recovering from drug addiction. She feels a sense of purpose and may appear to be wonderfully self-sacrificing. However, she may also be avoiding her own unhappiness and personal issues -- like her fear of abandonment. Her partner may believe that he can't deal with his addiction without her. He vacillates between feeling grateful for her help and resentful for what he feels is her nagging and smothering behavior. Many co-dependent partners report feeling "let down," "taken advantage of," or "trapped" by their needy partner when they are really "trapped" by their own overwhelming neediness. The addicted partner is also using his complaints about the relationship to avoid dealing with his own neediness and addiction

In co-dependent relationships, "We need each other," which can be a healthy thing, often covers over "I need you to need me"; this can lead to "I will keep you needy because, if you ever get better, I am afraid that you will leave me." This kind of interaction is grounded in desperation and often spawns abusive and obsessive relationships grounded in neediness and control rather than love and respect.

How do we overcome co-dependency? This developmental pathway to independence and interdependence is always available to us and our loved ones. We can move from the symbiosis of "I can't live without you," to the counter-dependency of "I refuse to be co-dependent" with its baby -steps toward a separate self, to the more solid foundation of being centered in an independent self, and then to the maturity of interdependence. A first step is to recognize the problem and reach out for help. Once help is received, it is critical to stick with the process of recovery through the fears and protests of neediness from within as well as outside the self. In this process, a person needs support from others who can show them the way, challenge them when they are falling back into old ways, and cheer them on.

My thoughts after reading this....

  • It's not always a bad thing - especially when it is not an abusive relationship or based on addiction (although can personality needs be 'addictive'?)

  • If you use a relationship to avoid probing on yourself - it might be because you are not ready, not willing, or not aware

  • When you become aware - you'll need to have some help and support to move towards independence and confidence if your own self-esteem

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A new Home!!

Good news - to me and my spirits! Our offer that we have been going back and forth with for a few weeks has now been accepted!!!!!! YEAH!

What a GREAT feeling when I think of this - a home where it will be a place to close the doors and have familiar things and family (pets included!).

Already thinking about decorating and buying pieces of furniture to complement the home......LOVE IT!!!

Such a thankful change to feel happy about something! This is great!

This is not how things need to get better

aaaarh - it's only tuesday and just dreading this week.
two days of non-stop g go go to get numbers, connect people, influence, read latest news....etc...
i'm not afraid of hard work - but am trying to find that BALANCE we all search for in our work and life. i reached a stepping point for something new....stepped away from work and now instead of a new balance - it seems to be more work than ever! crazy!!!

i keep recognizing it - so i can move forward and find the better balance....

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm in the self-promotion mode....check out my Geocache blog at this week the Montauk Monster found whilst geocaching
ok - so sometimes i'm a bit slow...i did not know ho to do those fancy 'tiny urls'. But now i do!

ENTJ - The Leader - Myers Briggs

So I did my Myers Briggs 'test' a while back but was showing someone else how to do it and read about their personality trait. I found this link to a good description of each profile.

So I am ENTJ - part of "the Rational" groups and characterized as "The Leader".
Here are some of the highlights from the link I wanted to share - they resonated with me...

  • ~5% of the total population
  • ENTJ need to have goals for everything. They seek power and control. They want to have an impact. Because of their desire to take charge, they are often leaders.
  • ENTJs see education as one of the major ways of getting ahead. They apply the mind-set of how that information affects their future.
  • Without variety and action boredom sets in.
  • Love needs to fit into the overall picture and may become subservient to their larger goals. The loved one preferably acting in a supportive, not competing, role. ENTJs tend to make rigorous demands of love...the other person must be willing to accept the ENTJ's directness and need for independence.
  • ENTJ's take charge of the home. When an ENTJ is present, there will be little doubt as to who is in command. Because their work is so important to them, they can become increasingly absent, especially if male.
  • When ENTJs are scorned by others, they may feel a passionate devastation and a strong sense of loss that is seldom shared with others.
  • Inefficiency is especially rejected by ENTJ's, and repetition of error causes them to become impatient. For the ENTJ, there must always be a reason for doing anything, and people's feelings usually are not sufficient reason.
  • When in charge of an organization, ENTJ's more than any other type desire (and generally have the ability) to visualize where the organization is going and seem able to communicate that vision to others.
  • They are the natural organization builders, and they cannot not lead.
  • They find themselves in command and sometimes are mystified as to how this happened.
  • ENTJ's will usually rise to positions of responsibility and enjoy being executives. They are tireless in their devotion to their jobs and can easily block out other areas of life for the sake of work.
  • They will be able to reduce inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and aimless confusion, being willing to dismiss employees who perpetuate such behaviors.
  • At midlife the ENTJ's tendency to be somewhat unaware of the feelings of others, including those close, may be an area that could be given attention. But perhaps the most important midlife task of the ENTJ is to begin to allocate time and energy to pursuits which are not work-connected and to begin to develop a larger repertoire of play skills. Putting off vacations, travel, hobbies, and family should be avoided

I'd like to save my blog entries like a diary and found this great tool

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Giving Back and Contemplating Life

The company I work for provides each employee with a bank of hours to volunteer at local organizations with. This is a fantastic benefit and part of the reason it is a great company (well, most of the time, nothing is perfect!)

Today I went to the San Diego Habitat for Humanity service with a group of colleagues and we all worked on a housing project. It was amazing to learn the story of the homes being built, be part of building them, and we even met 2 of the future residents.
They have to put in 250 hours of sweat equity into their home!

My job today was to paint the exterior stucco trim. I've done a good amount of painting before (my hubby's uncle was a painter...). It took a LONG time to paint because of the texture - that stuff really soaks up paint and does not forgive ANY mistakes!

During the day I got to talk with others and enjoyed the variety of conversations and getting to know other people and their stories. One person was out of work and volunteering between interviews, one person had their whole family move to San Diego at the age of 16 and what a story that was!

Another discussion was about the whole decision and life change of having a child. Do I, didn't I? What changes for the better, and for the not so better? How do I balance work and career and how will my thinking change after a baby? Do you feel "ready" to have a baby or do you just kinda go with the flow and get the shock of a lifetime? It is ok to not have kids? How will people view me? As a non-loving person? How do I know how to choose which path is right for me and the hubby?

Image Source: Cute Baby Blog

I am thankful for a day to contemplate such life questions - as well as help others make a step forward in their life.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Taking out the trash...and a return to normalcy

When the fog lifts from around you, it is a gradual event and not something that happens instantly. At the same time, you don't often notice that the fog was shifting slowly until you see the sun and decide to take out the trash.

Taking out the seems like such a little thing. But I have not done that for 6 months. To not only DO the action but also THINK that it needs to be feels so normal, so casual, so everyday life. Just thinking about it makes my heart race and want me to jump up and down for joy.

A return to normalcy ... a peaceful thought indeed.

Image is of Jessica Biel (not me, bit love the pink robe!)
Source imaged from Hollywood Actress Blog Spot

Friday, June 5, 2009

Can it really be 1 year later?

Oh man, it's my birthday....and I really don't know what to feel about it.
I'm pretty sure that turning 30 was like an Early Mid Life Crisis for me....and now it's 1 year later.

Do I have all the answers? No
Do I feel wiser? No
Do I feel older? Yes
Do I feel Happy? hmmm, jury is out
Do I feel Peace? No

I'm seeing a theme here so let me write some things that were great about being older and having a birthday....

Drinking a Mimosa as a breakfast morning treat - wonderful!  

Opening a fantastic present of jewelery from my darling husband - wow!

Dancing around naked to Happy Birthday sung by cats (yes, cats meowing are an instant laughter point)

Being taken out to dinner and having a great steak...mmmm
...we still agree Craft Steak in Las Vegas was The Best Steak.....but Ruth Chris last night was in the top contenders!

Going to sleep in the arms of someone that loves me unconditionally

Maybe this birthday was pretty good after all...

Photo Sources: Mimosa, Jewelry, SteakSleep

what a lovely thought - Ing Direct sent me a birthday greeting and a discount on the "QuickFinish Shredder"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

loving Alltop - the Beta "online magazine rack" - no more RSS feeds (which i never really got)

Monday, June 1, 2009

how did Susan Boyle NOT win BGT after all that Hype? I still Love Simon
Wow! Just had a great example of service. Went to drop off my shoes to be re-heeled and they opened store early for me and did the job straight away. Wow!