Monday, July 28, 2008

Worklife: Promoted to a cube

Monday rolls around again and I'm in a new location. I got promoted from my office to a cube! So I spent a day last week cleaning out the office, was quite cleansing as actually ended up throwing most of it away. Also decided not to bring any of my "personal" stuff to work. No pictures or gadgets or fun have about 3 boxes of this stuff in my garage though!

I definitely feel in a weird place...between 2 jobs...between 2 people...between 2 eras in my life. Flip between the two whilst trying to balance it all out. Really hard.
I think I shall leave it at that....and eat a choc chip cookie.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Change is Happening all around me...but within me?

A very bad start to the week. Well, seeing as I actually worked all day on Sunday, this is really Day 2 of the week.

Balancing 2 jobs at the minute...searching for a replacement, documenting the various processes, and trying to get closure on aspects as I go through them.

And then trying to meet the early expectations for the new role....just change management for a whole organization with a communications plan, current state assessment and vision built in 3 months...what did I sign up for?

So today was a horrible day because I had to deal with 2 types of people that I just have not yet mastered partnering with yet (notice the positive "yet" phrase!)

1. Senior Leader "I'm always right and you are wrong" - do I stand up to them which ends up being confrontational, or do I nod my head and say "yes sir" and then work the best angle possible behind the scene?

2. Peer "Things are fine the way they are" - I'm definitely of the mindset to continually improve process as well as the phrase "if you aren't moving forward, you're moving backward, as the world passes you by". But not all are on this page and the hardest person to influence is the type that just likes the way things are. If they are not dissatisfied, then we'll never get anywhere.

So having to deal with the 2 types in 1 day was just not good. I also found out about another re-org over coffee, which just causes more unsettlement in me and others. Why? Who? What does this mean for me? type questions....

So another day passes....can only say "i survived" this one.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The New Job - Part 1

I've had a new role for about 10 days now. My boss had a meeting with me before she left for 2 weeks for vacation and we talked about what has to be done.

It's a new role for me and for the it's a bit of "let's work it out over time" but the time here is a matter of weeks and no more.

So, I had a meeting with one of my major clients, A "C" level in the executive suite, and oooh - it was definitely the 1st of many transitions I have to make into the mindset of the new role.

1. I got a lot of "feedback" into the preparation for the meeting...a lot of eyes on me in this
2. I should never attend a meeting that was blindly set up without context
3. I need to adjust my mindset and discussion into the "c-level" framework
4. Don't let the parties involved take the topic off-topic and steer them back, even a c-level, back where you want

So went home after what ended up being a crappy day...but it's part of changing into a new role. Can't be easy else you took the wrong job. If you can do it all on Day 1, what's the point? It's all about learning and growing.
What made me happy this week? I networked outside of the company which I said I wanted to do more of. Both were ex-colleagues, but it's a good start. Had lunch at a different corporate campus...oooh forgot that fresh excitement of a polished campus and canteen. Felt good and made me remember what a career can be like with all the "newness" of a company.

Off for the weekend - going canoeing and having dinner with the hubby. Yummy to both!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

30 Days to a More Positive Outlook....30 Days are Up!

Tue Jul 15th, 2008

Yeah - you caught me. Life got busy, and then just did not get caught up. But in the past 2 weeks alot has happened:
  • I took a new role (same company)
  • Started working with an executive coach
  • Joined the gym (again...the beach holiday is in 2 months!)
  • Been on training courses
  • Reached outside of my comfort zone in networking and set up 3 appointments

It was a really hard thing for me to take the new role as there were things I was solving for...that frankly I didn't get. I had to decide if I could take the role and be ok withit. Because if I wasn't, I would not be able to do the role justice, and it would hurt me in the long run.

So, I made the choice and "deferred" aspects that were important to me. I did type "let go" which is right in one sense, but also in another I simply stated that "I learnt my lesson and won't let it happen again". I also learnt about people involved in my network and those that really made the difference and those that I will not trust again.

Positive Outlook? 30 days are now up and I had challenged myself to turn it around. I have to say "yes, I've done it" with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm towards the challenge ahead.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

30 Days to a Positive Outlook...Day 16

Mon Jun 30th 2008.

"It’s VERY hard to like Mondays"

Hah! Laughed at the title for today because it’s just true.
I often don’t mind Mondays because you have the whole week to get things done…a fresh slate every week of which to do anything!
Today was Meeting Monday….hence the title above. Running from meeting to meeting trying to switch gears and no time to “do” anything. Just added more action items to the list….can you tell that I have the “achiever” strength!?

At the very end of the day I managed to catch up of a few things to evaluate how I’m coming along in my positive outlook journey. I am halfway after all.
- Days are 50/50 but trending upwards
- Reaching out to more people and talking…a sign I’m getting more positive
- Meetings run more effectively…better aura displayed by me
- Ticking off a few things on the list…got to satisfy that achiever fix!

So overall…moving forward.

30 Days to a Positive Outlook...Day 14/15

"Home is Where the Heart is"

I love and hate weekends.
Love it because – no work, time with husband.
Hate – because I struggle with what to do in the weekend.

Do I stay in bed all day? Do I read the books piling up? Do I do all those chores like washing and shopping?

Every weekend, I wake up and see what I feel. Am I energetic and ready to hit the world and all those action items.
Or do I wake up and want to hide away from it all and just stay where the heart is...wrapped in my husbands arms?

This weekend was #2. I stayed in the house, never left, and just enjoyed what I had. I watched football (congratulations Spain!) and watched Law & Order: SVU (yes, still hooked...prior post all about it!) and cooked (alright, I watched the husband cook).

And I let the rest of the world, the craziness, the decisions needed to be made, the people to be met etc… all pass me by.

And stayed positive because for me…home is where the heart is.

30 Days to a Positive Outlook...Day 13

Fri Jun 27th 2008. Writing retrospectively...but hitting the highlights.

"It’s the people that matter"

The whole day was about waiting to hear the CEO in his webcast after the prior day announcement. He did a Q&A session with questions from anyone that wanted to submit a question….and there were A LOT. It was the type of questions you’d expect to hear after something like this…but what struck me more was the emotions people had in their questions – even though the questions were typed in and read. You could still sense the sadness, the anger, the disbelief in the questions. It made for a sad day overall.

The names of the people were not announced and it was told that they get to decide how and when to let others know. So of course, everyone is looking around to see others, catch their eye, see if they are not even in the office…

I got my first email from someone “impacted” and it was just the shock again. What do I say…do I try and be positive…do I rant and empathize…over email?!
And I’m not even the one “impacted”…

I also had a couple more 1-1s with the team. Lesson learned: don’t try and have a feedback session in this environment. Not good! One of the discussions was really hard, had to be made, but the hardest thing because I see what they don’t see and can’t make them change. I learnt that lesson the very hard way with a prior employee. All I can do is help them be aware of their actions and the impact it has now and in their future opportunities. I tossed and turned about this for 2 nights…

The theme of the day was about people…business runs and does wonderful things…but it’s all down to the people. And every little action and decision that I make and showcase to others is important. That’s being a leader.

30 Days to a Positive Outlook...Day 12

Thu Jun 26th 2008. Writing retrospectively...but hitting the highlights.

"Appreciate what you have"

After the happy ending to yesterday, I was looking forward to today. I had a session with a team that would be fun as well as a party in the afternoon AND a dinner party in the evening. A busy day but playing to my passion of interacting with people in an informal environment.

All changed at 1pm…the company announcement with a 7% layoff of our people. Now, most people knew it was coming, including myself. But it’s different to be theoretical about it then when it’s right there in your face. 600 people that you know and have worked with are no longer employed with the company.

First time I’ve been involved in a layoff where I would actually know the people and see the impact. Have to say I was a little numb for the day. Lots of questions with no real answers.
On top of that, I’m in a manager role which means I had to “put on the brave face” for my team with their questions. Now, THAT was something that was not comfortable.

So at the end of this day…the key takeaway to being more positive is “appreciate what you have

30 Days to a Positive Outlook...Day 11

Writing retrospectively...but hitting the highlights.

"Discovering my Passion"

Today started as a really bad day. Working on being positive but woke up in a foul mood and just did not know how to shake it. Really hard on myself about it as I'm trying to be more positive (as the name of the 30 day journey states!).

At the end of the day, I was actually in a really good mood and din't realize until afterwards that I sould take a look as to i can repeat what I did!

Looking at my calendar,the day was my 1-1's with my team. It was a chance to have a personal conversation and coach and mentor others. I also took one of my team members out for a drink so that I could get to know him better - something I've been wanting to do for a while.
Because for me, when I know someone personally I work much better with them professionaly. Call it any fancy word type "building trust" "rapport" it just works for me.
And today this is what I did - I got to spend time knwoing my team - which helped me feel more energized that I have a purpose! And when I have energy and passion...I perform at my best.

Discover my passion --> Interaction with people on personal and professional level