Thursday, May 28, 2009

looking for 1 good day

Have you ever had thst 1 day where things just seem to go right and you feel great and you go to bed with a smile on your face?

I wonder how often those days occur? I suppose you notice it when you have not had one for a while.and soon you start to apply bigger meaning to the thought of just 1 day going by where things went right and you went to sleep with that smile.

Yesterday was one of those days for me - almost. Woke up and just felt "it" and just seemed to be propelled forward all day to the right place and right time.felt achievement and hope that the 1 good day was going to happen. Alas at the moment of sleep one of those couple things happen where I thought A and he thought B and it felt like the whole day got pulled into a vortex with only that last interaction remaining.
Unfair and cruel to all - making it 1 step harder to get to that 1 good day.
One day that 1 day will happen.

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