Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 4 - getting out to see the sights

Got up early to go out and see the sights. We planned for the sightseeing bus but then it was less to hire a car for 2 days (crazy prices here?!?!). Fun to drive a tiny little manual car in the roads here. Shows the difference to the US again here.

So we hit the town hard with Table Mountain, Camps Bay, Sea Point, Downtown, and the Waterfront.

We expected the day to be overcast and cold from the day before but it ended up being clear and sunny at the mountain (but still ice cold and nippy winds). Then drove into the seaside.

We had fantastic fish!! Went geocaching, and saw the local tourists. Lots of local beggars(?) taking advantage of the tourists in town - can get a bit overwhelming when 4 men converge on you at your car.

I was feeling a bit low key today -just feeling the travel, leading, organizing, and no exercise pile up from the past week...we'll see how long I can push it before I break.

Overall, nice to see a bit of cape town. Table mountain is indeed a natural wonder that has to be seen in your lifetime.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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