I had a set of allergies come up a few years ago to a lot of stuff...basically fruit and nuts. But over the past year, this seems to have died down and I've introduced foods over time and in small pieces so that not really allergic to it anymore.
Well I decided to have a nice desert of blackberries with sugar on the weekend and within minutes of finishing it, my throat tightened up. I didn't think about it until it got worse....and it was hard to swallow. At this point I went into action mode...get the anti-histamines, drink several glasses of water, and stand-by with the epi-pen. Poor husband was sitting and watching me like a hawk to see what to do.
After 1-2 hours of panic and drinking lots of water, my throat started to loosen just a tad and I fell asleep from the pills....again husband watched me like a hawk.
Woke up a few times (to pee from all that water!) but got through it. The next day was a write-off due to the grogginess from the day before....body had fought too hard the day before and I ended up fighting to just walk around.
But in the adventures of turning 30...sometimes it's just a reminder to be thankful that I will be turning 30!
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